Saturday, May 31, 2008


i see him standing blocking my way out
i see him flash his lecherous grin
i know its another night of pain for me
and i know tonight i pay for my sins

he comes towards me as i lay paralysed
i see him slowly unclench his fists
i see venom dripping from his eyes
as he slowly wets his lips

i scream but i know its of no use
i cry and i yell for all i'm worth
but tonight's the night i lose
my faith in goodness on this earth

"stop", i plead and beg for mercy
"it hurts", i say and fall to the floor
"no use bitch" is all i hear
as i try to make a dash for the door

he reveals the weapon he so loves
and i shudder at the very size of it
and as it pierces my tender skin
it gives me an ecstatic hit

i hate myself for loving the effect
as he cleans the injection of my blood
he whispers "i'll be back for ur dose tomorrow"
"yes i'll be back till ure hooked on drugs"

just felt like writing something on this topic. don't worry, i'm not into drugs. never will be.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

DIPSY Doodles


It was not very long ago that I read this line in some book:
"What is written without feeling is read without pleasure"
ome writer of spiritual books i know...the kind that claim to change your lives forever soon after you're done reading the damn book. Hell if my written work could become a best-seller and get me a million, I'd write with feeling too. I'd bloody make a stinking stew out of feelings of love and hate; jealousy and redemption; of monks and their ferraris; of shepherds and buried treasures....I'd spin the craziest yarn you could dream of....

But you know how it is. There's always a catch. You've got to be somewhat of a recluse to come up with a story like that. People don't think you've "lived " enough when you're just 23 and you feel you have a story to tell the world.
They think you're just another confused soul, who is getting used to the idea of becoming an adult (never mind the fact that it's already been 5 years since you've officially had to carry that burden).
No-one ever took me seriously as far as I can remember.
Not that I really blame them.
When I was born my folks named me Dipsy. I guess they thought they were being funny but try going through life with a name like that and you'll realize what a sick sense of humour they had.
i mean, really! Which parents in their right minds would name their daughter DIPSY??!!
All through my academic life I dodged sad jokes like "Hey guys! I got the chips! Who's getting dips-ee?"

Anyway, thats not what this story is about. But I guess it's only fair that i let you know what I'm like before we get down to business, right?

So anyway, I'm 23 and I'm done with my graduation. And now Dad wants me to do some other course,you know, like get settled professionally and stuff.
I'm not too ambititious though. I mean yeah, I'd like to work and stuff but I got a story to tell before I start doing any of that.
And you look like the kind of person who's got enough time and patience. I think I'll tell you.
Now my story doesen't have any mythical creatures or passages that would send you on a soul-searching trip. It's just a simple tale of the life of a girl I knew like the back of my hand.